October is Economic Education Month
With the nation’s leaders deeply divided over the federal budget and financial uncertainty facing families across America, high school students from coast to coast during October’s Economic Education Month will push educators and policymakers for access to the economic knowledge they need to evaluate what they see for themselves and for the economic skills they need to thrive now and into their futures.
Econ Ed Month activities, contests and advocacy toolkits from CEE and our nationwide affiliated network will help students, teachers and parents encourage legislators, school boards, districts and other stakeholders to provide full access to the economic lessons all young people need to make informed choices throughout their lives.
Only half the states currently mandate economics classes for graduation, according to CEE’s biennial Survey of the States. For many, economic education is available only to those who advance to college and elect to study it there. Econ Ed Month honors the knowledge that economic thinking is a core skill necessary for everyone to understand the world and make better personal, family, and civic decisions. This special month is a focus of CEE’s mission to ensure life-shaping economic information is accessible to all youth including students of color and young people in less advantaged school districts.
“Economics plays a critical role in creating informed citizens, and the lack of progress in ensuring our young people have the opportunity to study economics puts the students and our nation at a disadvantage for years to come,” said Nan J. Morrison, CEE President and CEO. “We’ve developed tools and events for Econ Ed Month in response to requests from students, families and educators who are urgently calling for economics curriculum to be equally available to all.”
Working with state affiliates in Georgia, Nebraska and Oklahoma, CEE launched the first Economic Education Month in 2021. This October features economics-focused classroom resources, professional development for teachers and a nationwide student video contest, encouraging young people to think about the connection between economics and their community by answering, “What economic advice would you give to your mayor?” CEE and its affiliates are issuing calls for video contest submissions to teachers across the USA; winners will receive cash prizes.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is also sponsoring a series of Economic Education Month events including programs for teachers, undergraduate researchers, and students interested in exploring the diversity of careers in economics.
“Whether your passion is protecting the environment, reducing food insecurity, making college affordable or even managing the federal debt,” Morrison added, “seeing your challenge through an economic lens will help you understand the issue and identify potential solutions.”
EconEdMonth.org, is the central resource for the public to learn more about Economic Education Month activities also offers direct access to classroom resources and student learning activities designed to make learning economics easy and fun. We will have daily #econedmonth content on Twitter (X) and Instagram too! Engage with @EconEdMonth and @CouncilforEconEd, repost our daily econ vocab and cool econ job features on your channels. Spreading the word about economics will encourage others to join the cause.
Happy Economic Education Month!
About the Council for Economic Education
The Council for Economic Education’s (CEE’s) mission is to equip K–12 students with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics so that they can make better decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities, and learn to successfully navigate in our ever-changing economy. We carry out our mission in three ways. We advocate to require financial and economic education in every state. We provide training, tools and resources – online and live through over 180 affiliates nationwide – to more than 40,000 teachers annually who in turn bring the highest quality economics and personal finance instruction to over 4 million students. We deepen knowledge and introduce high school students to critical career capabilities through our national competitions and Invest in Girls program.
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