Unique Pilot Program Opportunity for High School Teachers

The Council for Economic Education (CEE) invites you to apply for a groundbreaking one-semester pilot program designed for 11th and 12th grade teachers.

Course Overview

This one-semester stand-alone high school course teaches the core concepts of personal finance including: decision-making, spending, saving, managing risk, earning income, investing, and managing credit.

Throughout this 16-week course, your students will build their critical thinking skills by working in teams to develop a financial plan for a fictitious family. The semester culminates in a case study presentation to a panel of judges.

Why Participate?

  • Meet your state personal finance requirements with a fully supported curriculum
  • Collaborate with a network of teachers to share ideas and best practices
  • Receive a $500 teacher stipend to support your involvement, subject to your school system’s policies
  • Use research backed effective techniques for teaching and have the opportunity to help shape this innovative course

Pilot Program Summary

  • Learn how to teach 11th and 12th grade personal finance
  • The turn-key curriculum is made up of lesson plans, case studies, and student workshops that contain PowerPoints, a student activity version, and a teacher instructed version.
  • 16-week course for spring semester 2025 (Jan-May)

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your personal finance teaching and make a meaningful impact on your students’ future!

Pilot Program Interest Form

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